Terri A. Sewell tweeted the following:
"We in Congress cannot continue to sit by as our democracy comes under attack. I am once again calling on our Senators to do whatever it takes to pass the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and restore the FULL protections of the VRA. #RestoreTheVote #RestoreTheVRA"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Terri A. Sewell:
"As #SCOTUS continues to roll back our hard-fought rights, extremist politicians in state legislatures are attempting to hold on to their power by waging a coordinated assault on the right to vote, passing laws to make it harder for certain Americans to access the ballot box."Read on Twitter
"9 years ago today, #SCOTUS disastrous Shelby v. Holder decision stripped away key protections of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 that John Lewis and the Foot Soldiers fought so hard to secure. Their ruling unleashed a wave of voting restrictions taking effect across our nation."Read on Twitter
"After decades of inaction, Congress has finally taken steps to address the gun violence epidemic. I applaud our Senators for coming to a bipartisan agreement which will take meaningful action to keep our communities safe without infringing on the rights of responsible gun owners." on June 24Read on Twitter